[−][src]Trait eq_rate::Trait
Substrate pallet configuration trait
Associated Types
type UnixTime: UnixTime
Timestamp provider
type Balance: Member + AtLeast32Bit + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Parameter + Default + From<u64> + Into<u64>
Numerical representation of stored balances
type BalanceGetter: BalanceGetter<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>
Gets information about account balances
type AuthorityId: Member + Parameter + RuntimeAppPublic + Default + Ord
The identifier type for an authority.
type BailsmanManager: BailsmanManager<Self::AccountId>
Used to integrate bailsman operations
type LtvChecker: LtvChecker<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>
Calculates and checks LTV of user balances
type MinSurplus: Get<Self::Balance>
Minimum new debt for system reinit
type MinTempBailsman: Get<Self::Balance>
Minimum temp bailsmen balances for Bailsman pallet reinit
type PriceGetter: PriceGetter
Receives currency prices from oracle
type UnsignedPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>
A configuration for base priority of unsigned transactions.
This is exposed so that it can be tuned for particular runtime, when multiple pallets send unsigned transactions.
type FeeManager: FeeManager<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>
Manages all fee calculations and withdrawal
type EqBuyout: EqBuyout<Self::AccountId, Self::Balance>
Manager for treasury Eq exchanging transactions
type BailsmanModuleId: Get<ModuleId>
Gets bailsman module account